Climate Journal Club - CJC 2022-23

Ecology and Climate Change: a multiple approach.
Buongiorno a tutti,
vi scriviamo per comunicarvi la ripresa del Climate Journal Club (CJC)!
Il CJC è un appuntamento ricorrente aperto a tutta la comunità del DISAT. Gli incontri prevedono la presentazione di un articolo di riferimento nelle scienze del clima o di una parte dell'IPCC AR6 (6th Assessment Report) per stimolare la discussione tra i partecipanti.
L’invito è, quindi, per tutti i professori, ricercatori, tecnici, assegnisti, dottorandi e laureandi che lavorano nell’ampio tema del Clima a partecipare e candidarsi per fare una presentazione. Ricordiamo ai dottorandi che la partecipazione attiva in ruolo di presentatori verrà riconosciuta con l’assegnazione di 2CFU.
Gli incontri saranno in presenza, ogni due settimane, al lunedì dalle 11:00 alle 12:30 in aula riunioni al piano terra in U1 (U1-T010). Seguiranno a breve i dettagli sul primo incontro del 7 novembre 2022: SAVE THE DATE!
Invitiamo chi fosse interessato a ricevere aggiornamenti ad iscriversi al corso “Climate Journal Club” sulla piattaforma e-learning Unimib e/o a mandare una mail ad uno dei seguenti indirizzi:;
Grazie e a presto,
il CJC team: Fabien, Pietro, Mara e Agostino

lunedì 30 gennaio 2023, ore 11 - U1 sala riunioni piano terra (T010)

L. Federico will give a presentation entitled "Ecology and Climate Change: a multiple approach". The aim of the presentation will be to introduce, in a very general and interactive way, the role of ecology in the fight against current climate change. The focus will be on causes, effects at different ecological levels, and future solutions. Various papers will be presented to describe the ecological method (multiple approach) at different ecological levels. As a (non-exhaustive) example, we are all invited to read the paper by Fernandez-Torquemada and Sanchez-Lizaso (2005).


lunedì 16 gennaio 2023, ore 11 - U1 sala riunioni piano terra (T010)

Giulia Bosio will present the paper: Late Eocene diatomite from the Peruvian coastal desert, coastal upwelling in the eastern Pacific, and Pacific circulation before the terminal Eocene event by Marty et al. 1988.

lunedì 19 dicembre 2022, ore 11 - U1 sala riunioni piano terra (T010)

In the occasion of the 250th birthday of Luke Howard, Alice Portal will present the paper 

Hamblyn (2022), Luke Howard, namer of clouds (available here

The article is just an excuse for a presentation on the broader topic of Clouds and Climate.

Lunedì 5 dicembre 2022, ore 11 - U1 sala riunioni piano terra (T010)

Sujith Krishnakumar will present the paper
Bjerknes, J. (1969), Atmospheric teleconnections from the Equatorial PacificMonthly Weather Review
whose abstract reads
The "high index" response of the northeast Pacific westerlies to big positive anomalies of equatorial sea temperature, observed in the winter 1957-58, has been found to repeat during the major equatorial sea temperature maxima in the winters of 1963-64 and 1965-66. The 1963 positive temperature anomaly started early enough to exert the analogous effect on the atmosphere of the South Indian ocean during its winter season. 
The maxima of the sea temperature in the eastern and central equatorial Pacific occur as a result of anomalous weakening  of the trade winds of the Southern Hemisphere with inherent weakening of the equatorial upwelling. These anomalies are shown to be closely tied to the "Southern Oscillation" of Sir Gilbert Walker. 
The paper is available here.

lunedì 21 novembre 2022, ore 11 - U1 sala riunioni piano terra (T010)

P. Bazzicalupo will present the paper
Hays et al. (1976), Variations in the Earth's orbit: Pacemaker of the Ice AgesScience, available here.
It is a milestone in paleoclimatic studies that deals with the major climatic changes in the last 500'000 years and investigates their main forcing factors.

lunedì 7 novembre 2022, ore 11 - U1 sala riunioni piano terra (T010)

Agostino N. Meroni will present the paper: K. C. Armour (2017), Energy budget constraints on climate sensitivity in light of inconstant climate feedbacks, Nature Climate Change
whose abstract reads:
Global energy budget constraints suggest an equilibrium climate sensitivity around 2 °C, which is lower than estimates from palaeoclimate reconstructions, process-based observational analyses and global climate model simulations. A key assumption is that the climate sensitivity inferred today also applies to the distant future. Yet, global climate models robustly show that feedbacks vary over time, with a strong tendency for climate sensitivity to increase as equilibrium is approached. Here I consider the implications of inconstant climate feedbacks for energy budget constraints on climate sensitivity. I find that the long-term value of climate sensitivity is, on average, 26% above that inferred during transient warming within global climate models, with a larger discrepancy when climate sensitivity is high. Moreover, model values of climate sensitivity inferred during transient warming are found to be consistent with energy budget observations, indicating that the models are not overly sensitive. Using model-based estimates of how climate feedbacks will change in the future, in conjunction with recent energy budget constraints, produces a current best estimate of equilibrium climate sensitivity of 2.9 °C (1.7–7.1 °C, 90% confidence). These findings suggest that climate sensitivity estimated from global energy budget constraints is in agreement with values derived from other methods and simulated by global climate models.
The paper is also available on the elearning page at the following link
Feel free to invite any colleagues that might be interested,
see you soon,
the CJC team