lunedì 30 gennaio 2023, ore 11 - U1 sala riunioni piano terra (T010)
L. Federico will give a presentation entitled "Ecology and Climate Change: a multiple approach". The aim of the presentation will be to introduce, in a very general and interactive way, the role of ecology in the fight against current climate change. The focus will be on causes, effects at different ecological levels, and future solutions. Various papers will be presented to describe the ecological method (multiple approach) at different ecological levels. As a (non-exhaustive) example, we are all invited to read the paper by Fernandez-Torquemada and Sanchez-Lizaso (2005).
lunedì 16 gennaio 2023, ore 11 - U1 sala riunioni piano terra (T010)
Giulia Bosio will present the paper: Late Eocene diatomite from the Peruvian coastal desert, coastal upwelling in the eastern Pacific, and Pacific circulation before the terminal Eocene event by Marty et al. 1988.
lunedì 19 dicembre 2022, ore 11 - U1 sala riunioni piano terra (T010)
In the occasion of the 250th birthday of Luke Howard, Alice Portal will present the paper
Hamblyn (2022), Luke Howard, namer of clouds (available here https://elearning.unimib.
The article is just an excuse for a presentation on the broader topic of Clouds and Climate.