Prospective students


Are you thinking about your future education? In this section, you'll find all the useful information about the Bachelor's, Master's, and PhD programs that the Department of Environmental and Earth Sciences offers to prospective students. Additionally, you'll be directed to the University Orientation portal, an environment where you can find materials and useful information to deepen your knowledge about the University, its services, the educational offerings, but also to get to know the professors who make up our academic community and to explore current topics.

National Plan for Scientific Degrees (PLS)


The National Plan for Scientific Degrees (PLS, was established in 2005 for the disciplines of Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, and Materials Science. The main objective of the Plan has always been to strengthen the relationships between Schools and Universities on one hand, and between Universities and the world of work on the other, to improve the teaching of scientific disciplines and students' interest in them from high school.

Since 2016, the Scientific Degrees Plan has also been active for Biology-Biotechnology, Geology, and Statistics, to which Computer Science and Environmental Science and Technology were added in 2018, each with a national coordination for each discipline. Its additional purposes include orienting students towards scientific disciplines and training teachers in secondary schools according to the guidelines defined by DM 976/2014.

The activities within the framework of PLS for the Degree Courses offered by DISAT are outlined below. The activities of the Scientific Degrees Plan for Chemistry are part of the activities of the Bachelor's Degree Course in Chemical Science and Technology, which falls under the Department of Materials Science.

Exploring the following links you can find more information about hte activities (in Italian only).