
Head: Prof. Andrea Zanchi

Vice-head: Prof. Claudio Greco

Presidents of the Educational Coordination CouncilsProf.ssa Laura Bonati, Prof. Federico Agliardi, Prof. Paolo Galli

Representatives of the Teaching Staff: Prof. Davide Ballabio, Prof.ssa Tullia Bonomi, Prof.ssa Sandra Citterio, Prof. Antonio Finizio, Prof. Marco Malusà, Prof.ssa Micol Rossini

Representative of Technical Staff: Dott. Valerio Orioli

The Department Council is composed of:

  • Tenured professors and researchers affiliated with the Department;
  • Administrative representative of the Department, Mr. Alberto Giussani;
  • A representation of the technical staff: Dr. Marta Barbarano, Dr. Roberto Garzonio, Dr. Valerio Orioli, Dr. Elena Valbuzzi, Dr. Alberto Villa.
  • A representation of the students enrolled in the doctoral courses under the Department's jurisdiction;
  • A representation of the postdoc research fellows working at the Department.
  • A representation of the students enrolled in the Bachelor's degree programs under the Department's jurisdiction.

The Educational Coordination Council (CCD) oversees the management of Bachelor's and Master's degree courses within the Department of Environmental and Earth Sciences and is constituted by the group of professors who, from year to year, are responsible for a course (or module) within the Bachelor's degree program.

President of the CCD for Environmental Science and Technology
Prof.ssa Laura Bonati

President of the CCD for Geological Science and Technology
Prof. Federico Agliardi

President of the CCD for Marine Sciences
Prof. Paolo Galli

President of the CCD for Chemical Science and Technology
Prof. Roberto Scotti

Duties of the Committee:

  • inventory of available spaces in U1 and U4, with particular attention to critical situations;
  • support and interaction with the Facility Management Sector for the redevelopment of premises used by DISAT (U1, U4, and any spaces in U9, etc.);
  • interaction with professors, with technical-administrative staff on the needs for space utilization for themselves and for doctoral students and fellows;
  • collection, verification, and optimization of requests for new office and laboratory spaces;
  • support to the director and the board for the management of issues related to safety and health in DISAT workplaces.

Composition: 1 professor per floor and 2 technicians:

For building U4:

  • Prof. Claudia Pasquero
  • Prof. Riccardo Castellanza
  • Prof. Marcello Campione
  • Dr. Nicoletta Fusi

For building U1:

  • Prof. Paolo Galli
  • Prof. Marina Lasagni
  • Prof. Mattia De Amicis
  • Prof. Anita Colombo
  • Dr. Alessandro Bisceglie