Application Guidelines
The Call for Applications, the Online application guide, and the FAQs on how to take the admission test are available at the links below. Please read the Call for Applications, the Description sheets for each PhD program, the list of Project-based scholarships, the Online application guide, and the FAQs carefully.
Here are some additional suggestions relevant to your application.
Selection procedure
The selection procedure consists of two phases:
- Assessment of qualifications, research project, and publications.
- oral test (videoconference)
Assessment of qualifications
Qualifications are assessed by the Selection Board before the oral examination. To access the oral examination no minimum score in the assessment of qualifications is requested. The Selection Board will evaluate:
1) Grade of bachelor’s degree: max 3 points
2) Grade of master's degree (second cycle): max 7 points
2bis) Grade of old system degree or single-cycle second level degree: max 10 points
3) Publications in extenso (already published or accepted by the publishers) and conference papers, of the last two years: max 4 points
4) Participations in post-degree masters, training courses, advanced courses, specialization schools, or any other second degrees: max 2 points
5) Certification of joint research and analysis max 2 points
6) Certification of training periods and/or research periods abroad of at least two months: max 2 points
The Selection Board reserves the right to evaluate periods of less than 2 months if such for early return due to documented force majeure limited to COVID-19'.
For those students who have not obtained their degree yet, the score of points 2 or 2bis will be replaced with the assessment of the average mark of the examinations:
- Students with master's Degree: max 7 points
- Students of old system degree (obtained under the laws in force prior to Ministerial Decree no. 509/1999) or single-cycle second level degree: max 10 points
Research project: during the competition registration procedure, the candidate must upload, in addition to the titles, also a research project, in Italian or English. The research project must be consistent in terms of topics and disciplinary areas with the lines of research present in the PhD Program and with the proposals for the scholarships. It should be noted that the research project is the first hypothesis of the candidate, it will not necessarily coincide with the PhD research that will see the fundamental contribution provided by the comparison with the faculty and the host institution.
Proposal characteristics: length 8,000-10,000 characters (spaces included, bibliography excluded), consisting of the following parts:
- Title, abstract (about 400 characters), theoretical background and state of the art, objectives/hypotheses or research questions, methodology, expected results.
- Bibliography.
Candidates will need to show methodological rigor, expository clarity, argumentation, critical assessment, and deepening of problems.
Information about the oral examination
Oral test interview language: During the oral exam, knowledge of the English language will be assessed. The examination may be taken in Italian or English at the choice of the candidate.
Oral exam: the oral exam involves a discussion of the research project proposed by the candidate and its relevance to the field of study identified by the doctorate.
The amount of the PhD scholarship is €16,243.00 per year, gross of social security contributions to be paid by the scholarship holder. The amount of the scholarship is increased by 50% for the period of stay abroad. The scholarship does not include any accommodation arrangements.
Students who are selected for the research project without the scholarship can apply for the “DSU: Diritto allo Studio”. For further information see the link below:
Additional Information
For any questions on administrative and technical issues relating to registration for the call, please contact:
For any questions on scientific issues, please contact the prospective supervisor, the Responsible for the chosen curriculum, or the Coordinator of the PhD Course.