International Projects
Risultati 1 - 10 di 56
Alpi in Movimento, movimento nelle ALPI: Monitoraggio e Resilienza (A.M.ALPI MO.RE.)
CARHO - Characterisation of Rhodolith beds
Le rivage de la Corse s’étire sur plus de 1000 km, ce qui représente plus de la moitié du littoral français de Méditerranée, et 14 % des côtes hexagonales (O.E.C., 2000). La Corse est bordée de plateformes peu étendues (plus de 10… Read more km), les secteurs les plus larges se situent au Nord et au Sud de l’île. La plateforme orientale, et celle de la Balagne et des Agriates ont une largeur intermédiaire (environ 5 à 10 km), tandis que le reste de la marge est, le long du Cap Corse et de la façade occidentale, extrêmement étroite. Une spécificité du rivage insulaire est la forte proportion de côtes rocheuses (71 %), le littoral sableux se concentrant essentiellement sur la façade maritime orientale de l’île (Pluquet, 2006). Le littoral sableux, et plus globalement les fonds meubles du circalittoral (à partir de -40 m), ont fait l’objet de peu d’études comparativement aux côtes rocheuses et aux fonds durs alors même qu’ils sont la cible du chalutage, une technique de pêche à l’impact physique direct sur les fonds marins (Jones, 1992; Pauly et al., 2002). Parmi ces fonds meubles du circalittoral, on retrouve pourtant dans les « sables » la « Biocénose du détritique côtier (DC) » qui contient des habitats de grand intérêt d’un point de vue biodiversité comme « l’Association du maërl sur DC » et « l’Association à rhodolithes sur DC ».
MARGIN - Managing Groundwater Sustainability in Urban Areas: Quantifying the vulnerability of groundwater quality & quantity to climate change and urbanisation, and developing adaptation measures for cities
MARGIN identifies vulnerable areas in cities concerning changes in quality and quantity due to climate change and urbanisation. It develops strategies and tools for adaptation to changing groundwater conditions and extreme levels in order to ensure a sustainable infrastructure development… Read more and management of groundwater as a resource and ecosystem in cities. The project takes quantitative (groundwater recharge, extremely low and high groundwater levels) as well as qualitative (thermal, chemical, biological) changes/vulnerabilities into account. The project will analyse the requirements and present status of different European cities regarding the management of the groundwater resource in the Alpine Space, gather and analyse the relevant data from city and regional administrations to identify and evaluate vulnerable areas to groundwater changes in quality and quantity. Based on this evaluation user-oriented adaptation strategies and measures will be developed for the implementation in city planning and local water administration procedures. To cover this, MARGIN will conduct this approach in four cities in the Alpine region with different climate and socio-economic conditions, urbanization levels, and administration procedures to cover the variety of the Alpine space: Munich, Milano, Ljubljana, Linz.
Sail2Science - Engaging students with disabilities in marine chemistry research with recreational sailing
The project involves high school students and university students from Italy, Dubai and Maldives. Scientific measurements with the remote TNA sensor will be used mostly to educational purpose, the data will be collected during research campaign mostly carried out on… Read more sail boat but also on research ship, and focused on microplastic and emerging contaminants determination involving collection of samples of plankton, seawater air, sediments and benthic invertebrates.
Unraveling AhR Modulation for Advancements in Psoriasis Therapeutics
Commit2Green - Commit to Green: Participatory urban greening and renaturing towards climate neutrality and resilience in European cities (Commit2Green/C2G)
C2G supports 8 cities to move away from a project-by-project NBS intervention approach towards the development of greening and renaturing strategies that (a) are cross-scalar and participatory (b) inform existing development agendas and policies, and (c) are implemented through demonstrators that create… Read more tangible impact on the ground for the local communities and broader ecosystem. This paradigm shift is founded on the operationalisation of Ecosystem Services (ES) in city decision-making at the district and city scale. Specifically, C2G assesses the current supply of ES in cities (e.g. flood and heat risk reduction, recreation) and runs targeted engagement activities to map community vulnerabilities, as perceived by stakeholders themselves. These vulnerabilities translate into key place-based priorities, i.e. the demand for ES. C2G works intensely to bridges this gap between supply and demand using districts as entry points. Considering that citizens experience life and meet their needs in this spatial scale, local greening contributions can significantly improve quality of life. A portfolio of projects is defined in the district scale (zoom-in), while coherence with the broader urban fabric, whether blue, green or grey, is maintained (zoom-out). In this way, C2G achieves cross-scalar ecological connectivity. Ultimately, each city will develop context-specific planning guidelines and nature-inclusion strategies that will be turned into “Design solutions for blue-green-grey infrastructure with biodiversity net-gain”. Demonstrators will apply these solutions with citizens participating along the NBS life cycle, from vulnerability assessments in the early phases through to placemaking activities during implementation. This innovative participation approach ensures that interventions maximise perceived value and minimize trade-off risks (e.g. changes in streetscape uses). Satisfaction assessments shall serve as a validation of the success of the co-design approach
INTEGRANO - Multidimensional Integrated Quantitative Approach To Assess Safety And Sustainability Of Nanomaterials In Real Case Life Cycle Scenarios Using Nanospecific Impact Categories
In line with the current guidelines for Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) chemicals and materials, INTEGRANO proposes a general assessment approach based on quantitative evidence to be applied in practice for specific Nano Materials (NMs) design cases referred… Read more to inorganic, organic and carbon NMs. The development NMs dedicated novel impact categories (ICs) for nano-toxicity and eco-nanotoxicity assessment will enable the integrated application of standardised assessment methodologies. The following four NMs Life Cycle Stages (LCS) are addressed: synthesis, incorporation, use phase and end-of-life. The application of the stage-gate SSbD process through the LCS addresses performance in the five dimensions (5D s): Safety, Environmental, Economic, Social and Functional. Generation of dedicated response functions will allow associating Key Decision Factors (KDFs, such as: concentrations, processing parameters, etc.) to Key Performance Indicators (KPIs, such as: occupational safety, CO2 emissions, job creation potential, NM cost, antibacterial functionality, etc.). SSbD NMs solutions will be obtained by Multi Objective Optimisation Design (MOOD) dedicated algorithm. A dedicated digital Decision Support Toolbox (DST) will elaborate design case specific data and run MOOD algorithm to sort the set of multi-optimal SSbD options, which are simultaneously complying with all the targeted KPIs referred to the 5Ds. The digital supported decision process will help scientists, material engineers, Nano-Enabled Products (NEPs) designers, policymakers and decision-makers to takle the SSbD challenge, allowing for dramatic reduction of Research & Development (RTD) and approval leadtime as well as minimising costs and increasing the transparency of the data, by making the industrial uptake of nanotechnologies more sustainable and viable. INTEGRANO allows the integration with other existing SSbD frameworks by transposing results into other scoring metrics and enabling data exchange.
Ocean liming in European seawater: a mesocosm scale approach
Playing with Corals: football as a gateway toward climate action and marine awareness
Rockfall runout modeling in Yosemite National Park, California, USA - RINNOVO
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