Next Generation EU Projects

MUSA - Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action

The ambitious goal of the project is to make Europe the first digital, circular, climate-neutral, and sustainable economy through the transformation of its mobility, energy, construction, and production systems.

DISAT Working Group: S. Citterio, R. Castellanza, R. Comolli, A. Franzetti, E. Bolzacchini, L. Ferrero, P. Mantecca, S. Villa, M. Gualtieri, G. Zambon, Luca Zoia

Topics addressed:

  • development of innovative technologies aimed at assessing and improving urban environmental quality (soil, water, noise) in relation to ecosystem services;
  • valorization of urban organic waste into bio-based materials.

National Biodiversity Future Center - NBFC

The aim of this National Center is to develop solutions for monitoring, preserving, and restoring functional biodiversity, in order to counteract anthropogenic impact, the effects of climate change, and support ecosystem services.

DISAT is involved in 4 out of the 8 "spokes":

  • SPOKE 1 – Mapping and monitoring actions to preserve marine ecosystem biodiversity and functioning

DISAT Working Group: P. Galli, D. Seveso, S. Montano, A. Savini, F. Saliu, M. Lasagni, B. Leoni - Topic addressed: extra-Mediterranean marine biodiversity.

  • SPOKE 5 – Urban biodiversity

DISAT Working Group: S. Citterio, R. Castellanza, R. Gentili, L. Bani, C. Ferrè, I. Gandolfi - Topics addressed: 1) spread, impacts, and management of alien plant species, 2) environmental restoration (ecological restoration and phytoremediation), 3) biodiversity in relation to soil functionality, meso and micro-mammal communities.

  • SPOKE 6 – Biodiversity and human wellbeing

DISAT Working Group: M. Orlandi, H. Lange, F. Gosetti, V. Termopoli - Topic addressed: extraction and characterization of bioactive molecules and biopolymers from waste biomass, synthesis of biodegradable plastics based on the extracted biopolymers.

  • SPOKE 7 – Biodiversity and society: communication, education and social impact

DISAT Working Group: E. Padoa Schioppa, C. Urani - Topic addressed: national and international university education.

GeoSciences IR

The purpose of the project is to create and strengthen Research Infrastructures.

DISAT Working Group: M. De Amicis, A. Bistacchi, P. Frattini

Topics addressed:

  • geothematic and geological cartography and modeling,
  • monitoring and risk management


The aim of the project is to develop strategies to counter malnutrition.

DISAT Working Group: S. Citterio, C. Greco

Topic addressed:

  • development of protocols to obtain plant-based foods with low allergenicity.